Michif Lessons

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Greetings and Commands

  1. Darryl _____________________________ your hands.(wash)

  2. Marlena mahti _____________________________. (clean up)

  3. Teddy _____________________________ the light. (turn off)

  4. _____________________________ Della. (chop wood)

  5. Priscilla _____________________________. (bring in wood)

  6. Shaylene _____________________________ this river. (go across)

  7. Ryan _____________________________ your hockey equipment. (bring in)

  8. Chantelle _____________________________ that log. It’s too long. (chop)

  9. Pam _____________________________ your book here. (put)

  10. Chellsea _____________________________. (wash dishes)

  11. Jocelyn _____________________________ when you’re told something. (listen)

  12. _____________________________ Edwin. (get up)

kiishkataha li bwaa piihtikwata paashikoo aashta ashwaho kishiipayaakanay chiikaha kishiipaykina piihtikwata li bwaa nakina payhkishchikay natoohta
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